What age were you when you started smoking?
The average age is between 16 and 24.
The lowest age was 8.
The highest age was 61.
If you could quit smoking successfully would you?
97% of respondents would quit smoking if they could do it successfully.
The average number of failed attempts to quit ranged from 6 to 30+
What have you tried before to stop smoking?
100% of respondents had tried either cold turkey, hypnotherapy or patches / gum (NRTs).
97% had tried either Hypnotherapy, NRT's or
Cold Turkey
12% had tried all three options
60% had tried NRT's and Cold Turkey.
Have you heard of instant quit injections?
0% of respondents had heard of instant quit injections but wanted to know more.
If it guaranteed success, how much would you be prepared to pay for such a treatment?
The highest amount was £300
The lowest amount was £40
The average was £188
The price was affected by the amount of money being spent a month on cigarettes.
Smokers are really disillusioned about their ability to be able to quit. With almost all of them stating they wish they had never started. Health, cost, family pressure from children and partners are all stated as reasons to quit.
When we talked about instant quit injections and explained these were new and based on homeopathy, the only resistance was to spend money on another promise like NRT's and hypnotherapy that has not worked for them. It was clear that seeing more people try it and succeed would encourage them. If it had a guarantee even better.
All smokers understand their craving was because of nicotine addiction. Getting over the withdrawal being the biggest hurdle.